Ch17→ Early Church Practice Workshop

“Amazing truths that stirred me! Felt like I’d been waiting my whole life to hear the affirmation of my heart’s longing.”  —Gene H.

Would you like to learn about the joy and fellowship that comes from being involved in a church set up the way that the apostles modeled? Then host one of our workshops!

To get started, send us an email.

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In these discussion-oriented workshops, we come to you. We focus not only on the biblical basis for various early-church practices, but also the practical aspects of adopting them today. All of our teachers are leaders in small, relational, Baptistic churches, and have years of experience in early church practice.

Topics we cover: Celebrating the Lord's Supper weekly as a true fellowship meal (rehearsal dinner for the marriage banquet of the Lamb), "each one has" participatory church meetings, dialogical teaching, elder-led congregational consensus, intentionally smaller congregations (Roman-villa sized), and the role that New Testament church practice should play today (apostolic traditions). We advocate classic, historic, orthodox Christian theology poured into the wineskin of New Testament church practice (apostolic teachings wrapped in apostolic traditions!).

To find out more about hosting a Wineskin Weekends, send us an email.


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