Ch13→ One-on-One Tutoring in How to Apply Early Church Practice

Six personalized, one-on-one phone/internet mentoring sessions designed to equip church leaders with a thorough understanding of key early church practices given by Jesus. We’ll discuss participatory meetings, dialogical teaching, communion as a weekly fellowship meal, intentionally smaller congregations, elder-led congregational consensus, and timeless apostolic traditions for church practice.

To register, download the registration form, fill it out, and email it back to us.

Time constrains require us to limit this offer to church leaders (deacons, elders, pastors, church planters, evangelists, missionaries, professors, teachers, seminarians, etc.).

SKU: 0003 Categories: ,

These mentoring sessions are designed to equip you with a thorough understanding church practices and how to apply them in your small church.

Six personalized, one-on-one telephone or video sessions:

Participatory Church Meetings to Stir-Up Love & Good Deeds

Dialogical Teaching to Develop Critical Thinking Skills

Celebrating the Lord's Supper Weekly as an Actual Meal for Unity & Fellowship

Servant Leadership to Build Consensus and Spiritual Maturity

Intentionally Smaller-Sized Congregations for Effective Ministry

Timeless, Foundational Church Traditions from the Apostles

To prepare for each, you will be asked to thoughtfully view a video or carefully read an article, and be ready to discuss what you learned with your mentor. This prior preparation will take the resulting discussion to an advanced level of personalized application to your unique situation.

Time constraints force us to limit our offer to church leaders (pastors, elders, church planters, missionaries, Bible college/seminary professors, seminarians, etc.). Apply today! We’ll reply and begin the process.

  1. Download the application form.
  2. Fill it out.
  3. Email it back to us. We'll contact you to set things up.

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