NT14→ Discussion Guide: “How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth”, 4th ed. (Interactive Q&A Format)


This will discussion guide will make Fee’s book much easier to get through!

1) The study/discussion guide consists of handout sheets containing questions about the key points in each chapter of Fee and Stuart’s book. These questions will give the learners something specific to look for when reading the chapter. The idea is for participants to prepare in advance, having read the chapter and underlined the answer to each question.

2) There is a separate teacher’s version for every chapter, with extra questions, insights, and ideas for presenting the concepts.

This will discussion guide will make Fee's book much easier to get through!

1) The group study/discussion guide consists of handout sheets with questions about the key points in each chapter of Fee and Stuart's book. These questions will give the learners something specific to look for when reading the chapter. The idea is for participants to prepare in advance by reading the chapter and underlining the answers to each question.

2) There is a separate teacher's version for each chapter, with extra questions, insights, and ideas for presenting the concepts.

Download each file separately (Student's & Teacher's).


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