Ch19→ Food Safety Poster (Church Pot-Luck Meals)


Simply place an order for our free Food Safety poster artwork. We’ll send you a high-resolution file to print. Instructions for printing are below.


Food Safety Poster for Your Church's Pot-Luck Meals 


Contaminated church pot-luck food is the worst!


Elisha remedied "death in the pot" (2Ki 4:41). Can you? If not, post our food safety board for all to see. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

We'll email the artwork to you for free. You need only print it out!


1. Click on Green Bar above to order the file. We'll email you the high-resolution artwork (it's too big a file for our website to host for a download).

2. Once you get the artwork, an easy way to get it printed is to use the same on-line print shop we did for our church, using the link below. They'll ship it directly to you.


Click here →


Foam Boards

Material: Standard

Material Type: Economy

Material Thickness: 3/16"

Material Color: White

Shape: Rectangle

Size: 24" x 36"

Color: Full Color Front, No Back

Orientation: Horizontal

Accessories: None

Production Time: Regular

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