Tutoring for Pastors

Personalized Consultation for Church Leaders:

Four Ancient Small-Church Growth Strategies

• Communion Strategy for Unity & Community

• Church Gathering Strategy to Stir Up Love & Good Deeds

• Decision-Making Strategy for Christlike Shepherding

• Intentionally Smaller Size Strategy for Effective Disciple Making

• Foundational Traditions for Success in Ministry

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Ancient Small-Church Growth Strategies Tutoring

Would you like to experience the joy and fellowship that comes from doing church the way Jesus taught the apostles? Then register for our personalized seminars for pastors.

Growth Through Communion

  • Why did the early church celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a fellowship feast?559491_1412544672321928_54487169_n
  • What are the future oriented, prophetic aspects of the Lord’s Supper?
  • What role does the Lord’s Supper play in persuading Jesus to return?
  • How does the Lord’s Supper create unity within a body of believers?
  • What are the fellowship aspects of the Lord’s Supper?

Many pastors have expressed that they feel this to be the most significant session of the entire series!



Growth Through Worship

        Jesus left the early church with a strategy for worship designed to encourage, strengthen, instruct, and stir up love and good deeds. The tragedy is that today’s church is neglecting this strategy. What was it? It was to allow an open format for sharing by all, with orderly spontaneity. Ordinary believers regularly and significantly contributed to the corporate worship of the first-century church. Those prompted by the Spirit were encouraged to offer testimony, share a spiritual experience, give an exhortation, lead out in prayer, testify, sing, give praises, etc. In general, each person who spoke operated out of his spiritual gifting. The prime directive for anything said or sung was that it had to edify (strengthen, build up, encourage) all the other believers present. In contrast, today’s worship has become a spectator’s sport. Merely allowing people participate though praise and giving is not what Jesus commanded.



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Did Jesus really mean that “the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and that the one who rules like the one who serves” (Lk 22:26)? Children and slaves were precisely those in Roman society who had the least authority. How does this apply to church leaders?

In this session, we discuss the relationship that ought to exist between a church and its leaders. Exactly where does the power lie? Who has authority over whom? What is the role of an elder or overseer? How does consensus work? We’ll argue for leadership by elder led consensus rather than simple command. You’ll be surprised at what the Scriptures do—and do not—say concerning church government.


Success Through Following Apostolic Traditions

Some 2,000 years later, how are we to view the way the apostles did things? Is the New Testament way of doing things merely interesting history, or did God intend for it to be normative for all churches in every age? This session will examine the various Biblical commendations and commands to churches with respect to the “traditions” of the apostles, as found exclusively on the pages of Scripture.

We conclude that the question is not, Do we have to do things the way they did? Rather, the question to be asked is, Why would you want to do things any other way?! Respect for our Lord who hand-picked the apostles, and for the Holy Spirit who led them, should induce us to prefer their way of doing things to whatever our inferior wisdom might suggest.


How It Works

Discover the benefits of New Testament church life through our one-on-one pastoral tutorial program. Registration is open to church leaders (such as pastors, elders, church planters, teachers, deacons, evangelists, seminarians, missionaries) and their wives.

The focus is not on our great ideas for church nor the latest renewal craze. Rather, we take a fresh, in-depth look at strategies Jesus equipped the ancient church with designed to create unity, lasting fellowship, encourage, strengthen, stir up love and good deeds, and holy living in light of the second coming. In short, we advocate the wine of historic, orthodox Christian theology poured into the wineskin of New Testament church practice.

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To register, click here.

“There is much here to help you think through how to recover vibrant church life, even if you see it differently here or there. Unmuddle your ecclesiastical grey matter by reading and contemplating these challenging principles.”     — Jim Elliff, Baptist pastor, Kancas City

Pictures From Our Workshops