Women Prophets & Teachers

The wisdom of Solomon is literally proverbial. When writing advice to his son, Solomon figuratively pictured wisdom as a woman, calling young men to turn aside and learn from her (Pr 1-9). Solomon knew that young men are quite captivated by women, even as ancient...

Sisters In Service

“I can do anything you can do, better!  I can do anything better than you.”  Such words fairly well sum up the attitude popular today toward women’s involvement in any and every Christian ministry.  It is commonly held that women can, and should, do anything men do...

Ministry Households — Key to Healthy Churches

In modern culture we have increasingly come to evaluate virtually everything from an individualistic perspective.  We find our identity in ourselves individually, by our individual accomplishments, position, possessions, etc.  We increasingly have difficulty relating...

The Ministry of Evangelism

We consider someone’s last words to be of utmost importance.  Family members will crowd around a dying man’s bed to catch his last words and then recall them again and again for years to come.  Similarly, the last words of Jesus Christ before He ascended to...

Are There Apostles in Today’s Church?

Most evangelicals reject outright the idea that there could be apostles today.  One reason for this is because the Twelve were personally handpicked by Jesus to represent Him.  They also were instructed directly by Jesus.  No one alive today meets those...

Full Time Ministers

Famous are Jesus’ words that “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Not so famous is the context in which His words are found. Not anywhere in the Gospels, Jesus’ words were quoted by Paul at a pastor’s conference (Ac 20:32 -35). Amazingly, Paul instructed the...